Valley of the Ironworks

The Valley is historically divided into two parts: the first, the geographically lower part, is called the Valley of the Mills; the second, the higher part, is known as the Valley of the Ironworks. The Amalfi Valley in its entirety is a mix of suggestion, enchantment and surrender to the sensory. Amid natural scents of the unique vegetation that finds enjoyment in the special climate, devoid of rigid temperature ranges due to the protection of rocky ridges, amid the gurgling of streams and waterfalls, it will seem as if you have landed in a parallel world, far removed from the urban center, yet just minutes from Amalfi town. The authentic soul of Amalfi explodes here, in its rare fauna and pristine environment. The Valley is among the few recognized biogenetic reserves in Italy. 

The area falls within the Monti Lattari Regional Park and is crossed by the Canneto stream.
The Valley of the Mills and the Valley of the Ferriere are evocative and romantic places, ideal for trekking and outdoor enthusiasts on vacation in Amalfi, where they can immerse themselves in nature, admiring the terracing, natural beauty and historical transformations of the place, which thanks to human ingenuity was a primary source of work. There are two paths leading to the Ferriere Valley traced by CAI: one starting from the town center of Amalfi and the other starting at Pontone.

Water is the predominant element. Lush vegetation leads into a fairy-tale pathway dotted with waterfalls, springs and streams, where you can also see ruins of the Duchy of Amalfi. The Amalfi Valley Trail passes through several hamlets of Amalfi, from Pontone to Chiarito to Pogerola. Here was the site of the old power plant, the pipe of which is still visible, remnants of the Amalfi Ironworks and paper mills. A naturalistic place that will surprise the observer.