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Alessandro Tormolino: from early experiences to the Star of Sensi!

Father Tormolino used to say, “If you want to do this job you have to do it well, otherwise don’t do it at all!” and so it was! Today Chef Alessandro Tormolino boasts such great achievements as 1 MICHELIN Guide Star and 2 GAMBERO ROSSO FORKS, but let’s take a step back, precisely to the moment when the chef realized that this passion would become his profession.

A long and fascinating story...

There was already an air of catering in the house; in fact, his father was a hotel maitre d’hotel between Naples and Cilento. Alexander attended hotel management school, but he already had clear ideas: cooking was his passion!
From the third year of school he began to do his first jobs in Cilento during the summer with his father. Then graduation and…first experiences on my own!

Nerano, Sorrento, Umbria, France, London…year after year, city after city his path is formed, his vision becomes clearer and clearer, and his idea of cooking more and more evident.

The most significant experience, the chef tells us, is Vissani’s experience in Umbria, an experience that gave him a new perspective and a different mindset at only 19 years old. He was left with so much, especially humanly, from his experience with Don Alfonso, in Sant’Agata sui Due Golfi, but it was the period spent in London that represented a real new challenge for the chef: he had been called to take part in a new project, the opening of “4 Passi London,” a new city and a new language as well as, of course, a new and important adventure.

During his English stay, Alessandro meets Pasqualino Franzese, a longtime friend with whom he starts talking about new projects: it’s time to go home!

A unique and inspired vision of cooking...

He arrived in Amalfi and began the search for the “perfect place” to open a restaurant, but not just any restaurant, the plan, and the vision, were clear, the place had to be the right one that would convey his ideal of cuisine to all guests.

It is safe to say that, over coffee, the perfect place practically materialized before his eyes: the chef was inside the Hotel Residence, after one of the visits he made to a venue that had been proposed to him. Enzo shows him the hotel and sits him down for a chat and…the famous coffee!

Alexander saw the terrace and immediately everything took shape-the restaurant had to be there!

The name Sensi, on the other hand, stems from a very specific concept, because Tormolino’s cuisine plays with the senses, so what word can best summarize its message?

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