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Amalfi Heaven Gardens: a true paradise within paradise

They enter as strangers and leave as friends!” is how the account of this experience begins, but what does this sentence mean? Rosa, the chef of Amalfi Heaven Gardens tells us about what she sees happening every day before her eyes and … her kitchen so special and panoramic.

A kitchen...breathtaking

“Every day a group of tourists comes to us, they don’t know each other, they have different backgrounds and ages: couples, friends, siblings, Americans, French, Germans…that’s the beauty of it, a group of people who seemingly have nothing in common and yet…suddenly a magic happens: they put aside their shyness, they start passing baskets to picking tomatoes from the garden and then straight into the kitchen to try their hand at the typical recipes that characterize these places!”

An experience that starts from the land, from the stories of Silvio, who long ago decided to change his life, change his job and dedicate himself to what he loved to do: being with people, sharing his passion for the land and the genuine side of the coast. Definitely not an easy and not an obvious choice, requiring sacrifice and energy, but totally repaid by the “magic” mentioned a few lines above.

A passion made work

His traveling companion is Anthony, characterized with the same passion and ideals. After his experiences abroad, he decided to return “home” and invest in a business he loved, thus creating his own personal paradise!

Four hours spent in typical Amalfi terraces, discovering flavors and colors, learning the secrets of Rosa’s vegetable garden and recipes. Everyone around the counter each with his or her own task, some cutting the lemons, some preparing the ricotta-based dough for the squash blossoms, and some…tasting, because it’s all too tempting!

A serene and jovial atmosphere accompanies the whole experience, and when lunch is ready, everyone at the table, all sharing and toasting, toasting to their vacation, to this experience and why not, to life, which is certainly more beautiful at Amalfi Heaven Gardens!

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