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Fore Porta: 0 km oasis

Heading up from Amalfi toward the Ferriere Valley, you are sure to come across Agricola Fore Porta, a refreshment stop located just a 20-minute walk from the Amalfi Paper Museum, and a true oasis for all wayfarers.

A perfect oasis along the way

Starting on the path leading to the Valley, one has the opportunity to walk along a scenic little road overlooking many typical terraces with lemon groves currently covered with green tarps to protect them from the early cold.

A breathtaking view...

Reached the reservoir of Amalfi, continuing to the right, here we are at Agricola Fore Porta, a place that immediately conveys a sense of typicality and authenticity. Strings of red chili peppers hanging from the branches, baskets with pumpkins of all kinds, a ceramic tile painted with the words “fresh lemonade,” (which after the climb is really a panacea).

Welcoming visitors are mom Mena, who is also in charge of the cooking classes, her daughter Silvia and her fiancé Gerry, two young people who have decided to invest their future in this family business in which they believe and which not for a moment have they thought of leaving to seek their fortune elsewhere.

The company began in 1972. Grandfather Louis, having returned from London with his grandmother, decided to buy land by planting lemons and a vegetable garden. Not an easy job that required sacrifice and energy. When grandfather passed away a decision had to be made: to continue or abandon the project? needed a gardener and someone to work the land, so son Gino and wife Mena decided to roll up their sleeves, renovated the ruin that was right next door and started with simply selling fresh lemonade for passersby along with 0-mile products. There was no fixed price; wayfarers could leave what they wanted.

Today the company has made big strides, a kitchen, cooking classes and even the possibility of staying there. The example that in life, work and sacrifice always pay off.

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