Secret Amalfi

Category: Urban trekking

Type: Cultural-experiential itinerary

02h00 2Km 106m 110m medium open

Suggested equipment:
Comfortable shoesHatSunglassesSunscreenWater

Tour Description

Experiential-cultural itinerary to discover the hidden Amalfi among picturesque alleys and panoramic terraces overlooking the sea.

The itinerary starts from the famous fountain De Cape ‘e Ciucci whose appellation recalls the tradition of watering donkeys, the so-called ciucci, walking through the alleys of the city that at the time of the Saracen invasions represented a defense system against the attacks of the dreaded Saracens.

Once you reach the famous Piazza Duomo, you will begin to walk along the stairs, an identifying element of coastal towns, which will allow you to admire lush terraces where lemons, known as Sfusati Amalfitani, are still grown. A breathtaking view of the city can be seen from the Belvedere di San Lorenzo.

From the Belvedere di S. Lorenzo we will return to Amalfi via the Rione San Antonio, which takes its name from the saint who is celebrated every year on June 13 with a solemn procession in which the statue of the saint is carried on the shoulders of the faithful through the streets of the town, crossing a section also by sea from Atrani to the beach of Santa Croce.

The itinerary will end at Town Hall Square located in the heart of the Campolillo district a stone’s throw from the Cathedral.

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