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Junker app for easier recycling collection

“JUNKER, the multilingual APP that recognizes all waste and helps value it…”
Download the free APP and learn how to sort each product

Respecting the city

Increasingly simple and innovative systems for sorting one’s waste thanks to Junker’s technology.

“The Municipal Administration, led by Mayor Daniele Milano, has in fact decided to give a digital turn to the waste collection system by adopting this application, which is present in more than 2,500 Italian municipalities, with a wide diffusion in Campania, with more than 100,000 users and 63 subscribing municipalities, including 15 in the province of Salerno…”

A free, multilingual app that is easy to download to your smartphone and makes it easy to have a comprehensive guide to differentiating each individual product.

When technology helps...

“An innovation that manages to create a virtuous connection between digitization and environmental protection, two strategic directions in which Amalfi has been investing for some time. Better services for citizens, at no cost, and we defend our habitat – began Mayor Daniele Milano – The benefit will be twofold: we make our municipality even more modern and efficient, we take up the new challenges of digitization provided for by the PNRR, and we protect the ecosystem, expanding our communication campaign to citizens to improve the percentages of differentiated waste collection. In addition, the App will also be able to be used by the many foreign tourists staying in our City, simplifying communication and avoiding mistakes in waste delivery. Our goal is ambitious: we want Amalfi to be increasingly Zero Impact, increasingly green and sustainable. Sustainability is an essential element of the “Tourist Development Plan” that Amalfi has equipped itself with, with strategic choices that expand the range of services, easily accessible, extended to citizens and businesses, to make our City even more attractive and ensure the quality of life of residents.”

Are you ready to take part in this new and innovative system?

Download the app keep clean!

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