Chiesa della Virgo Potens

The Church of the Virgo Potens, built in Vettica Minore in the 15th century, has a single nave covered with a barrel vault with lunette. Its decorative appearance, first renovated in 1777, underwent further transformations in 1893 and then in 1977.

The majolica tiled floor dating from 1777 is especially worthy of mention. The Church of S. Maria, known as Virgo Potens, has suffered a troubled history. It was founded by the Molegnano family from Sorrento and in 1554 was handed to the priest Donato de Afflicto. In 1620, patronage was transferred to Vincenzo Gambardella.

In the 19th century, the chapel became the cemetery for the village of Vettica. In 1893, due to the small size of the underground burial sites, it lost its status as a burial ground and was opened again for worship.

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