Passeggiata Longfellow

This Promenade is named after the American writer and poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow, who, at the end of the 19th century, like other intellectuals on the Grand Tour, visited Italy and was enchanted by the charm of the Ancient Maritime Republic of Amalfi.

During the Grand Tour era, Amalfi’s landscapes, monuments and scenes of daily life became a source of inspiration for writers, painters and architects from all over Europe.

It was thus that Amalfi became a favourite destination for numerous foreign travellers, including H. W. Longfellow, who introduced the city to the United States through his opera Amalfi (1875). His poetry reflects the enchantment of discovering so much beauty in a single city, which, although soothing to the senses, is teeming with activity. Even today, his verses convey feelings and sensations that immortalize the beauty of Amalfi.

Passeggiata Longfellow, covered with cypress and pine trees, planted to stem terrain and rock landslides with their roots, overlooks the sloping green of Parco della Pineta and the harbour basin.

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