Spiaggia di Santa Croce

Santa Croce beach is located in the village of Vettica Minore, just 2.87 kilometres from Amalfi. The beach, which appeared in the late medieval era, can only be reached by sea and takes its name from the ruins of the ancient Church of S. Croce. The church, partly built from rock, was the centre of a small hermits’ community that was a party of the Abbey at Positano.

What makes this area truly exclusive and unique is the striking natural arch, known as the ‘lovers’ arch’. Tradition has it that the couples who pass underneath it should kiss as a pledge of love. The natural arch connects a small rock to the coastline. Here, in medieval times, there was the Church of San Nicola de Petra, and in 1213 was owned by the Del Giudice family, while in 1460 it was the property of the Issalla family.

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