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The Regatta of the Ancient Maritime Republics

Amalfi, Pisa, Genova and Venezia. The four cities participating in the historical re-enactment sports event established in 1955.

The event is created with the aim of recalling the events of the well-known Italian maritime republics.

The Historical Regatta, how and where it takes place

The event is hosted on a rotating basis among the above cities. The regatta, which this year will be held in the days June 2 and 3 in Venice, attracts tourists from all over the world who attend the event with great enthusiasm and excitement. The race takes part in the 4 crews from the 4 cities involved, each crew consists of 8 rowers and a coxswain. Vessels, on the other hand, must be built following the same characteristics and structural parameters in order to ensure equitable performance for all.

The prize for the winner of the Historical Regatta

The winning city of the Regatta receives as a prize a gold and silver trophy made by the Florentine School of Goldsmithing, which depicts a rowing galleon below which appear the coats of arms Of the four maritime republics. A way, this one, to combine sports, tourism and history in a unique event gender.


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